Screen Navigation – Function Keys
While working on
| F1 (Cancel) | Stops the current activity and returns |
| the cursor to the command line. When |
| the cursor is in the command line, F1 |
| (Cancel) erases the entire contents of |
| the command line. On a help screen, F1 |
| (Cancel) returns to the screen on which |
| the help was requested. |
| F2 (Refresh) | Redraws or updates the screen. |
| F3 (Enter) | Submits the information entered on a |
| screen for the action specified on the |
| command line. When the cursor is on |
| the command line, F3 (Enter) requests |
| the execution of the command. |
| F4 (Clearfld) | Clears an entire field on a screen or a |
| single keyword from the command line. |
| For example, if the command line |
| contains the command list cos and you |
| press F4 (Clearfld), the command line |
| changes to list. |
| F5 (Help) | When the cursor is on the command |
| line, pressing this key is identical to |
| typing the help command. That is, it |
| displays a screen explaining all the |
| types of help available in the AUDIX |
| system. When the cursor is on a screen, |
| this key requests help for the entire |
| screen. |
| F6 | When the cursor is on a field, this key |
| (Choices) | requests a menu of valid entries for that |
| particular field. Use UP ARROW or |
| DOWN ARROW to select an item from |
| the menu. Pressing F6 (Choices) again |
| selects the highlighted item from the |
| menu. |
| F7 | Moves forward through |
| (Nextpage) | administration screens, reports, or help |
| screens. |
| F8 | Moves backward through |
| (Prevpage) | administration screens, reports, or help |
| screens. |