Setting the LF Shelf EQ
Your choice for the LF Shelf setting depends on where you place the speakers within a room.
0 dB If you've mounted your DSM1 speakers on speaker stands away from walls and corners, set the LF Shelf to 0dB, which will give you the flat- test
Setting the High-Pass Filter
The High Pass Filter lets you adjust the bass roll- off of your DSM1 speakers. Start with the filter all the way open (40 Hz setting) and only raise the cutoff frequency in order to protect the LF drivers at low frequencies, or to couple your DSM1 speakers with a subwoofer.
To adjust the High Pass Filter:
Set switches 7 and 8 to the positions shown below to activate the corresponding EQ levels.
duce the
7 |
8 |
ON |
ON |
well as in a corner, set the LF Shelf to
To adjust the LF Shelf EQ:
Set switches 5 and 6 to the positions shown below to activate the corresponding EQ levels.
ON | 100 Hz | |
ON | ||
Setting the Desktop Filters
The Desktop filters let you compensate for the effects of frequency buildup when your DSM1 speaker is placed on a reflective surface such as a desktop or meter bridge, or within a reflective
5 |
6 |
ON |
ON |
ON |
ON |
0 dB
surface such as a shelf or case. Experiment with the EQ options centered around 175 Hz, 200 Hz (by using the 175 Hz and 220 Hz filters at the same time), or 220 Hz.
LF Shelf EQ switches and settings