The Levels Screen
| Sum/Diff |
Peak | RMS | VU |
| Loudness Balance | ||
The Levels Screen |
| Loudness | Correlation |
Select the Levels Screen from the Analysis
Peak Level
Peak Level (expanded view)
Peak Level presents a
Peak Level Meters, sometimes called PPM (Peak Program Meters) respond to within 1 dB of the actual peak level within 10 ms, and within 4 dB in 3 ms, to capture very fast transients that are ignored by the slow response of an averaging VU or RMS me- ter. Peak Level does not demonstrate the loudness of your program. The difference between Peak and VU meters can be as much as 12 dB or 4x the apparent volume. Many engineers therefore combine the best of both worlds by using both Peak and VU metering for the best results. The Overload Clip light responds to a single sample of digital clip and remains on for two seconds after the last measured clip.
User’s Guide