Smart DeskStream Technical Presentation 23
nDeskStream Resilience
nLost power or stacking module failure
nStack will reboot
nIf failing unit is in the stack center, two
separate stacks will form
n‘New’ stack appears under TrueView/32 (If
secondary uplink exists)
Stack 1Stack 2Connectivity
Stacking Module - 4
A DeskStream may fail in two ways: one in which the stacking bus is
taken down (usually a total power failure) and another where the
DeskStream fails but keeps the stack active.
In the first case the stack will divide around the failing DeskStream,
resulting in two stacks each of which will be detected by Trueview if
both stacks have an uplink. The Master will detect this failure and
reboot (the remains of) its stack (stack 2 in the slide).
A new master will take control of the ‘new’ stack and start with a
If the network is using IP and a secondary uplink exists, it will be
necessary to give the upper part of the defective stack an IP address
if both parts are to continue working. A DHCP server will be helpful