Smart DeskStream Technical Presentation 27
nDual Link Fiber Connectivity
nEach link supports 4Mbps, 16Mbps and Full
Duplex (DTR)
nLinks operate independently
nAllows redundant links / load sharing in Fiber
nEach link can be set to Master or Direct mode
(Node or Concentrator mode)
Fiber Connectivity
TR Fiber Module - 1The two uplink ports, although physically mounted on the same
module, are in fact separate entities which will operate independently.
This means that they can each be used for different functions, if
one could be an uplink to a Ringswitch, the other could have a server
attached for example; they could each be connected to different
Ringswitches to allow a dual path (not very resilient if the DS fails!);
or one could be used to connect to another remote DeskStream while
the other had a server attached … and so on. More examples on the
next slide.
This is possible because the port type can be configured.