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äAdjustable guard rails around the lift and on the ramps. The guard rails on the four columns must be adjusted in such a way, that there is a clearance of approx. 150 mm between the extension and the connection plates of the column. The adjustable guard rail can be locked by tightening the M 8 screw.
Adjustable guard rails on all four columns
1.4Safety Guidelines
The following points were taken into consideration at construction:
äThe safety regulations correspond with the prEN 1493.
The lifting platform meets the safety demands of the following guidelines:
-89/392/EWG in connection with 91/368/EWG and 93/44/EWG
Pay attention during operation:
The Accident Prevention Regulations of the country in which the lifting platform is being
äoperated apply.
The following guidelines apply within the European Union countries:
-89/391/EWG Safety and Health Protection for the Employee.
-89/654/EWG Safety and Health Protection in the Work Area.
-89/655/EWG Safety and Health Protection when using Working Materials.
-89/656/EWG Safety and Health Protetion when using personal Protective Clothing.
-92/58/EWG Safety and/or Health Protection Identification at the Place of Work.
DITR German Information Center for Technical Rules in DIN e.V. 10772 Berlin
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