"The Passive Parametric"
For years, we had been getting requests for a Manley parametric equalizer, but it looked daunting because every parametric we knew of used many
What is the definition of a "Parametric Equalizer"? We asked the man who invented the first Parametric Equalizer and coined the term. He shrugged his shoulders and indicated there really is no definition and it has become just a common description for all sorts of EQs. He presented a paper to the AES in 1971 when he was 19. His name is George Massenburg and still manufactures some of the best parametric EQs (GML) and still uses them daily for all of his major recordings. Maybe he originally meant "an EQ where one could adjust the level, frequency and Q independently". He probably also meant continuously variable controls (as was the fashion) but this was the first aspect to be "modified" when mastering engineers needed
We can call the Massive Passive a "passive parametric" but .... it
differs from George's concepts in a significant way. And this is important to understand, to best use the Massive Passive. The dB and bandwidth knobs are not independent. We already noted that the Q of the bell curve widens when the dB control is closer to flat. More significantly, the boost or cut depth varies with the bandwidth control. At the narrowest bandwidths (clockwise) you can dial in 20 dB of boost or cut. At the widest bandwidths you can only boost or cut 6 dB (and only 2 dB in the two
Another important concept. When you use the shelf curves the frequencies on the panel may or may nor correspond to other EQ's frequency markings. It seems there are accepted standards for filters and bell curves for specifying frequency, but not shelves. We use a common form of spec where the "freq" corresponds to the
Except we now have a working "bandwidth control" in shelf mode. With the bandwidth set fully
Compared to "conventional parametrics" in all their variations, the Massive Passive has just "upped the ante" by adding a few useful new parameters. The first is the use of the "bandwidth" in shelf modes. Second is the ability to switch each and every band into shelf. The original parametrics were only "bell". We have seen some EQs that allow the lowest and highest bands to switch to shelf. Now you can use two HF shelfs to fine tune in new ways without chaining several boxes together. Lastly, each band can be bypassed or switched from boost to cut without losing a knob setting. This allows twice the resolution from the "dB" pots and allows one to exagerate an offending note in order to nail the frequency easier, then simply switch to "cut". You can always check, without losing the dB setting by switching back to "boost" for a minute. You can also have absolute confidence that the "zero" position on the dB pot is "flat" which is not the case with center detented pots. Mechanical center and electrical center are rarely the same.
"SPICE" printout
"Normal Shelf" Wide Bandwidth
"Special Shelf" Medium Bandwidth
"Pultec Shelf" Narrow Bandwidth
Bell Cut Narrow Bandwidth