Reset to the Default Settings (except for PARENTAL and VIDEO OUT)
This allows you to return all selections of SETUP (except for PARENTAL and VIDEO OUT) to their default settings.
1Press the SETUP button in Stop mode.
2Press the Cursor buttons ( s or B ) to select INIT., then press the ENTER button.
3Press the Cursor buttons ( K or L ) to select YES, then press the ENTER button.
4Press the SETUP button to exit.
•If you like to cancel initializing, select NO at step 3 .
Language Code List
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
| Frisian | 5271 | Malay | 5965 | Somali | 6561 | |
Abkhazian | 4748 | Galician | 5358 | Malayalam | 5958 | Spanish [SPA] | 5165 |
Afar | 4747 | Georgian | 5747 | Maltese | 5966 | Sundanese | 6567 |
Afrikaans | 4752 | German [GER] | 5051 | Maori | 5955 | Swahili | 6569 |
Albanian | 6563 | Greek [GRE] | 5158 | Marathi | 5964 | Swedish [SWE] | 6568 |
Amharic | 4759 | Greenlandic | 5758 | Moldavian | 5961 | T |
Arabic | 4764 | Guarani | 5360 | Mongolian | 5960 | Tagalog | 6658 |
Armenian | 5471 | Gujarati | 5367 | Nauru | 6047 | Tajik | 6653 |
Assamese | 4765 | Hausa | 5447 | Nepali | 6051 | Tamil | 6647 |
Aymara | 4771 | Hebrew | 5569 | Norwegian [NOR] | 6061 | Tatar | 6666 |
Azerbaijani | 4772 | Hindi | 5455 |
| Telugu | 6651 | |
Bashkir | 4847 | Hungarian [HUN] | 5467 | Occitan | 6149 | Thai | 6654 |
Basque | 5167 |
| Oriya | 6164 | Tibetan | 4861 | |
Bengali;Bangla | 4860 | Icelandic [ICE] | 5565 | Oromo(Afan) | 6159 | Tigrinya | 6655 |
Bhutani | 5072 | Indonesian | 5560 | Panjabi | 6247 | Tonga | 6661 |
Bihari | 4854 | Interlingua | 5547 | Pashto;Pushto | 6265 | Tsonga | 6665 |
Bislama | 4855 | Interlingue | 5551 | Persian | 5247 | Turkish [TUR] | 6664 |
Breton | 4864 | Inupiak | 5557 | Polish | 6258 | Turkmen | 6657 |
Bulgarian | 4853 | Irish [IRI] | 5347 | Portuguese [POR] | 6266 | Twi | 6669 |
Burmese | 5971 | Italian [ITA] | 5566 | Quechua | 6367 |
| |
Byelorussian | 4851 | Japanese [JPN] | 5647 | 6459 | Ukrainian | 6757 | |
| Javanese | 5669 | Romanian [RUM] | 6461 | Urdu | 6764 | |
Cambodian | 5759 | Kannada | 5760 | Russian [RUS] | 6467 | Uzbek | 6772 |
Catalan | 4947 | Kashmiri | 5765 | S |
| Vietnamese | 6855 |
Chinese [CHI] | 7254 | Kazakh | 5757 | Samoan | 6559 | Volapuk | 6861 |
Corsican | 4961 | Kinyarwanda | 6469 | Sangho | 6553 | Welsh | 4971 |
Croatian | 5464 | Kirghiz | 5771 | Sanskrit | 6547 | Wolof | 6961 |
Czech | 4965 | Kirundi | 6460 | Scots Gaelic | 5350 | Xhosa | 7054 |
Danish [DAN] | 5047 | Korean [KOR] | 5761 | Serbian | 6564 | Yiddish | 5655 |
Dutch [DUT] | 6058 | Kurdish | 5767 | 6554 | Yoruba | 7161 | |
English [ENG] | 5160 |
| Sesotho | 6566 | Zulu | 7267 | |
Esperanto | 5161 | Laothian | 5861 | Setswana | 6660 |
Estonian | 5166 | Latin | 5847 | Shona | 6560 |
| Latvian;Lettish | 5868 | Sindhi | 6550 |
| |
Faroese | 5261 | Lingala | 5860 | Singhalese | 6555 |
Fiji | 5256 | Lithuanian | 5866 | Siswat | 6565 |
Finnish [FIN] | 5255 | Macedonian | 5957 | Slovak | 6557 |
French [FRE] | 5264 | Malagasy | 5953 | Slovenian | 6558 |
If you choose a Language that has a
Cleaning the Cabinet
•Use a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not use a solution containing alcohol, spirits, ammonia or abrasives.
Cleaning Discs
•When a disc becomes dirty, clean it with a cleaning cloth. Wipe the disc from the centre out. Do not wipe in a circular motion.
•Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, commercially available cleaners, detergent, abrasive cleaning agents or antistatic spray intended for analogue records.
Cleaning the disc lens
•If the player still does not perform properly when it is operated while referring to the relevant sections and to “TROU- BLESHOOTING GUIDE” in this User Guide, the laser optical pickup unit may be dirty. Consult your dealer or an Authorized Service Centre for inspection and cleaning of the laser optical pickup unit.
Disc Handling
•Use discs which have the following logos on them.
•Handle the discs so that fingerprints and dust do not adhere to the surfaces of the discs.
•Always store the disc in its protective case when it is not used.
• Note that discs with special shapes
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