1. Regulator temperatury
2. Prze∏àcznik zasilania
3. Wskaênik zasilania
4. Wskaênik temperatury
5. Koszyk
6. Pojemnik
7. Uchwyt
8. Przycisk w uchwycie
9. Przycisk zwalniajàcy pokryw´
10. Pokrywa
11. Filtr poch∏aniajàcy zapachy
12. Pokrywa komory filtra


U˝ywaç jedynie oleju zalecanego do g∏´bokiego sma˝enia.

Nacisnàç przycisk zwalniajàcy pokryw´

(9)i otworzyç pokryw´ (10).

Nacisnàç przycisk w uchwycie (8) i roz∏o˝yç uchwyt (7) poziomo do zatrzaÊni´cia, a nast´pnie wyciàgnàç koszyk (5) z pojemnika (6).

Sprawdziç, czy frytownica jest wy∏àczona, a nast´pnie wlaç

12.olej do wymaganego poziomu. IloÊç oleju powinna zawieraç si´

10.pomi´dzy poziomem minimalnym


a maksymalnym oznaczonym na

pojemniku. Zamknàç pokryw´.









Zapoznaç si´ zaleceniami dotyczàcymi zachowania bezpieczeƒstwa.

Usunàç wszystkie materia∏y pakunkowe z frytownicy i postawiç jà na p∏askiej, stabilnej powierzchni, np. na blacie kuchennym, w bezpiecznej odleg∏oÊci od ∏atwopalnych przedmiotów.

Pokryw´, pojemnik, uchwyt, koszyk, i obudow´ czyÊciç za pomocà wilgotnej szmatki z odrobinà p∏ynu do mycia naczyƒ, a nast´pnie wytrzeç dok∏adnie do sucha.

Pod∏àczyç przewód zasilajàcy do gniazda z ty∏u frytownicy, a drugi koniec przewodu do gniazda sieciowego.

Ustawiç ˝àdanà temperatur´ za pomocà regulatora (1). Pod∏àczyç frytownic´ do gniazda sieciowego i w∏àczyç frytownic´ za pomocà prze∏àcznika zasilania (2).

Wskaênik zasilania (3) i wskaênik temperatury (4) zapalà si´ i olej zacznie si´ rozgrzewaç. Po osiàgni´ciu odpowiedniej temperatury (po 5-7 minutach) wskaênik temperatury zgaÊnie. W trakcie pracy wskaênik temperatury b´dzie si´ zapala∏ i gas∏, co oznacza, ˝e urzàdzenie utrzymuje ustawionà temperatur´.

Nie wk∏adaç potrawy, dopóki nie zostanie osiàgni´ta ustawiona temperatura.

W∏o˝yç potraw´ do koszyka i opuÊciç go ostro˝nie do pojemnika. Sprawdziç, czy poziom oleju nie podniós∏ si´ do kraw´dzi pojemnika. Nacisnàç przycisk na uchwycie i opuÊciç uchwyt wzd∏u˝ boku frytownicy. Zamknàç pokryw´.


Nale˝y zachowaç ostro˝noÊç, gdy˝ olej mo˝e pryskaç.


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Melissa 743-194 manual ˚Ytkowanie, Czynnoci WST¢PNE, Wa˝ne

743-194 specifications

Melissa 743-194 is a cutting-edge artificial intelligence model designed to enhance various applications through its remarkable capabilities in natural language processing, data analysis, and machine learning. With its advanced architecture, Melissa 743-194 has set new standards in the field of AI, proving itself as a versatile tool across diverse industries.

One of the main features of Melissa 743-194 is its exceptional ability to understand and generate human-like text. This is achieved through a vast training dataset, which includes a wide array of linguistic patterns, idioms, and cultural references. The model employs a transformer-based architecture, enabling it to comprehend context and nuances effectively. This results in a more coherent and contextually relevant output, making it easier for users to engage with the technology in a meaningful way.

In addition to its text generation capabilities, Melissa 743-194 is equipped with a suite of data analysis tools. These tools allow it to sift through large datasets, identify trends, and generate insightful reports. This is particularly useful for businesses looking to leverage data-driven decision-making. The ability to analyze sentiment, detect anomalies, and even predict outcomes has made Melissa 743-194 an invaluable asset for industries such as finance, healthcare, and marketing.

Technologically, Melissa 743-194 incorporates state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms that continuously improve its performance. The model benefits from reinforcement learning techniques, allowing it to learn from user interactions and adapt its responses accordingly. This feature ensures that the AI remains relevant and effective over time, responding to the evolving needs of its users.

Another characteristic that distinguishes Melissa 743-194 is its scalability and flexibility. It can seamlessly integrate with various platforms and applications, ranging from chatbots and virtual assistants to content creation tools and more. This adaptability makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases, from enhancing customer service experiences to generating creative content for marketing campaigns.

Moreover, Melissa 743-194 is designed with a focus on ethical AI practices. It includes safeguards against bias and ensures that its outputs adhere to responsible use guidelines. This commitment to ethical considerations makes it a trustworthy choice for organizations committed to utilizing AI technology responsibly.

In summary, Melissa 743-194 is a revolutionary tool that combines advanced natural language processing, robust data analysis capabilities, and ethical considerations. Its ability to learn, adapt, and integrate into various systems makes it an essential asset for any organization looking to harness the power of AI.