Technical Specifications
Network Connections
Twisted-Pair Interface
Connector __________________________________ Shielded
Impedance ________________________________________ 100 Ohms nominal
Signal Level Output (differential) ________________ 0.95 to 1.05V (100Mbps)
___________________ 2.2 to 2.8V (10Mbps)
Signal Level Input ________________________ 200mV minimum (100Mbps)
__________________________________ 585mV (10Mbps)
Supported Link Length _________________________________________ 100m
Cable Type (10Mbps segments) ______________ Category 3, 4 or 5 UTP/STP
(100Mbps segments) ______________ Category 5 or 5E UTP/STP
Data Rate
Fast Ethernet ____________________________________ 100Mbps half duplex
____________________________________ 200Mbps full duplex
Ethernet ________________________________________ 10Mbps half duplex
________________________________________ 20Mbps full duplex
Power ____________________________________________ +5V @ 1A, 5W
Operating Temperature ____________________________________ 0° to 50° C
Operating Humidity _________________________ 5% to 95%
Weight ______________________________________________ 3.5 oz (0.1 kg)
12 User Guide