Carriage Return Suffix * 9 9
Line Feed Suffix * 9 9
UPC Suffix 9 9
Transmit LRC
9 9
Start LRC on 1st Byte
9 9
Start LRC on 2nd Byte
9 9
‘c’ Prefix for UPC
9 9
‘$’ Prefix for UPC
9 9
Configurable Prefix Characters 10 avail 9 9
Configurable Suffix Characters 10 avail 9 9
Predefined Code ID Sets Multiple Selections 9 9
Configurable Prefix for Code Types 9 9
Configurable Suffix for Code Types 9 9
Configurable Code Length Locks 7 avail 9 9 9
Code Selects 7 avail 9 9 9
Transmit High Priority Code at Timeout 9 9 9
Random Code Deselects 1 Set 9 9 9
Do not transmit Similar Codes 9 9 9
Target Code Deselects 1 Set 9 9 9
Transmit Lower Priority Codes 9 9 9
Code Select / Deselect Timeout 0.1 to 25.5
seconds 5 sec 9 9 9
Razz on Code Select Timeout * 9 9 9
Replace 1 Character in Transmission 9 9
Japan Dual Field Code Selects 9 9 9
EAN-13 Only in Japan Dual Field 9 9 9
Two Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9
Five Digit Supplements 9 9 9 9
Require Supplements 9 9 9 9
Remote Supplement Support 9 9 9 9
Two Digit Redundancy 9 9 9 9
Five Digit Redundancy 9 9 9 9
Enable Coupon Code 128 9 9 9 9
Transmit Coupon ‘]C1’ * 9 9 9 9
Group Separator * 9 9 9 9
Coupon Code Can Begin with ’4’ 9 9 9 9
Enable EAN-99 Coupon Code 9 9 9 9
Bookland Supplements 9 9 9 9
French 378/379 Supplements 9 9 9 9