☞Please note that the effective range of the flash light is diminished by using a wide- angle diffuser, and increased with a tele- photo attachment . For digital cameras take into account that the focal lengths are given for the 35 mm format (see operating instruc- tions of the individual camera).
4.Slave mode
The slave mode is intended for cordless,
Some digital cameras fire one or more measuring preflashes a fraction of a second before flash ex- posure. Normally, these measuring preflashes can- not be deactivated on the camera because they do influence, for example, the flash exposure. More- over, a preflash function can be activated on many cameras to diminish the “red eye effect”.
☞The internal photo cell sensor of the slave must be able to perfectly capture the light of the camera’s flash unit reflected by the sub-
ject so that it can be triggered. The working range of the assembly depends on the inten- sity of the light pulse from the
Please note that the working range is diminished outdoors and with bright ambient light. Avoid exposing the sensor to direct sunlight!
5. Switch on and shoot in EASY mode
The EASY mode permits easy use of the slave flash unit for flash photography. Auto aperture, ISO speed rating, etc. do not have to be set on the flash
The EASY mode is a simplified automatic flash mode intended for digital cameras without setting capabilities, or the “Program P” and full auto modes.
Prior to its first use, the slave has to be adapted to the technology of the flash unit built into the came- ra to find out if the