AC output ratings
Voltage: 480 VAC ±0.5% (steady-state conditions)
480 VAC ±5% (transient conditions
from 0% to 100% or 100% to 0%)
Frequency: 60 Hz ± 0.1% (free-r unning)
Phases: 3 Ø (phase sequence must be A, B, C)
Wires: 4 wires plus ground
Power factor: 0.8 lagging
Total harmonic distortion
(THD): < 2% (linear load)
< 4% (for 100% non-linear load
with a crest factor of up to 3.5)
Dynamic regulation: ± 0.5% for balanced load
± 2.5% for 100% unbalanced load
Dynamic response: ± 5% for 100% step load change
Overload: 125% of rated load for 10 minutes
150% of rated load for 1 minute
DC ratings
Battery voltage: 545 Vdc float
480 Vdc nominal
390 Vdc minimum
Height: 1,905 mm (75”)
Depth: 815 mm (32”)
Width: See Table 1-1
Weight: See Table 1-1
Finish: MGE light gray
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1 — 14 Introduction
EPS 6000 UPS Shared Systems