Free running Indicates that the inverter frequency is stable and independent of the
bypass AC input (mains 2) frequency.
FREQ Frequency.
Fusible Capable of being melted with heat.
GND Ground
Hz Hertz, a measure of frequency; one cycle per second equals one Her tz.
Input branch
circuit The input circuit from the building power panel to the equipment.
Inverter An electrical circuit that generates an AC sinewave output from a DC input.
kVA Kilovolt-Ampere;a measure of apparent power.
kW Kilowatt;a measure of real power.
LCD Liquid-crystal display.
LED Light-emitting diode.
LEG or Leg Inverter leg.
Load protected The attached load is being supplied by the UPS module inverter output,
and the battery is available in the event that incoming (utility) power is lost.
Load not
protected The attached load is being supplied, but the battery system is unavailable.
Low battery
shutdown The battery has reached the lowest permitted operating voltage, and the
inverter has shut down (disconnecting the load) to protect the battery from
damage due to further discharge.
Mains or
mains 1 Main AC input source.
Mains 2 Bypass AC input source.
MAX Maximum.
MBC Optional maintenance bypass cabinet that attaches to the SSC (in shared
g — 3Glossary
User’s guide