power off A switch used for shutting down electrical equipment from a location away
from the equipment.
REPO Remote emergency power off.
SCR Silicon-controlled rectifier.
Security bypass
(key) Pushbutton on the hidden panel (UPS modules and SSC) allowing forced
transfers and other commands to be issued. The security key pushbutton
must be held down while the desired function is executed.
SEQ Sequence.
damage Any damage done to an article while it is in transit.
Shipping pallet A platform on which articles are fixed for shipping.
Specific gravity The ratio of the weight of a given volume of substance (such as electrolyte)
to that of an equal volume of another substance (such as water) used as a
SSC Static switch cabinet (in shared systems).
Sync or synch Synchronization.
Technician Refers to an electronic technician qualified to maintain and repair electronic
equipment. Not necessarily qualified to install electrical wiring. Compare
with electrician.
Test connector DB-9 type connector on the hidden panel (UPS modules and SSC) allowing
an MGE Customer Support Services technician to access programmable
and diagnostic features of the system.
UF Under frequency.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
UPS Uninterruptible power system.
UV Under voltage.
VAC Volts of alternating current.
Vb Battery voltage (in volts DC).
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