Numbered lights
The green light indicates the UPS module or SSC with which the display is
currently communicating.
A red light indicates that the corresponding UPS module or SSC has
an anomaly or is not communicating with the display.
Light #1 refers to the SSC;the UPS modules are numbered sequentially
starting at #2.
The hidden panel is located directly below the front panel,
behind the hinged cover, as shown in Figure 2-4. The
hidden panel includes the following controls and indicators, as shown in Figure 2-7:
Figure Hidden Panel
Alphabetical lights
Fourteen alphabetically labeled LEDs provide detailed information on
UPS status as follows:
A: Emergency shutdown
This red LED indicates that the emergency power off (EPO) or remote emergency
power off (REPO) has been activated (see Section, Emergency power off).
Test connector
Clear faults
Alarm reset
Battery charge cycle
Return to float voltage
Inverter sync/desync
Forced transfer
Forced shutdown
Emergency shutdown
Rectifier/charger on
Rectifier/charger fault
Input outside tolerance
Battery temp. outside tolerance
Battery charging
Inverter fault
Low batt. shutdown imminent
Inverter desynchronized
Transfer fault
Bypass outside tolerance
Maintenance position
12 345
2.2.3 Hidden Panel

2 — 9Operation

User’s guide