MicroNet Technology SP5530 user manual Hex

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Short for hexadecimal refers to the base-16 number system, which consists of 16 unique symbols:


the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F. For example, the decimal number 15 is represented as F


in the hexadecimal numbering system. The hexadecimal system is useful because it can represent


every byte (8 bits) as two consecutive hexadecimal digits. It is easier for humans to read


hexadecimal numbers than binary numbers.



Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.


This is a private network inside an organization or company, which uses the same software you


will find on the public Internet. The only difference is that an Intranet is used for internal usage




The Internet is a globally linked system of computers that are logically connected based on the


Internet Protocol (IP). The Internet provides different ways to access private and public


information worldwide.

Internet address

To participate in Internet communications and on Internet Protocol-based networks, a node must


have an Internet address that identifies it to the other nodes. All Internet addresses are IP




Internet Protocol is the standard that describes the layout of the basic unit of information on the


Internet (the packet) and also details the numerical addressing format used to route the


information. Your Internet service provider controls the IP address of any device it connects to


the Internet. The IP addresses in your network must conform to IP addressing rules. In smaller


LANs, most people will allow the DHCP function of a router or gateway to assign the IP


addresses on internal networks.

IP address

IP address is a 32-binary digit number that identifies each sender or receiver of information that


is sent in packets across the Internet. For example is an IP address; it is the closet


thing the Internet has to telephone numbers. When you “call” that number, using any connection


methods, you get connected to the computer that “owns” that IP address.


Internet Service Provider is a company that maintains a network that is linked to the Internet by


way of a dedicated communication line. An ISP offers the use of its dedicated communication


lines to companies or individuals who can’t afford the high monthly cost for a direct connection.



Java is a programming language that is specially designed for writing programs that can be safely


downloaded to your computer through the Internet without the fear of viruses. It is an object-


oriented multi-thread programming best for creating applets and applications for the Internet,


Intranet and other complex, distributed network.



Local Area Network a computer network that spans a relatively small area sharing common


resources. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings.



Network Address Translator generally applied by a router, making many different IP addresses


on an internal network appear to the Internet as a single address. For routing messages properly


within your network, each device requires a unique IP address. But the addresses may not be


valid outside your network. NAT solves the problem. When devices within your network request


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MicroNet Technology SP5530 user manual Hex