P. P.
Rev. P. Dokument N Signature Data ТЭ3.623.912-03РЭ ТЭ3.623.912-03РЭ Rev. P. Dokument N Signature Data
Size А3 /А4
Signature and Data
Invent N of doubl
Subst. of invent N
Signature and Data
Invent N of orig.
List of Abbreviations and Special Terms Used in this Manual
ACD auxiliary communication device;
ACL auxiliary communication line;
ACS automated checkout system;
ADC – analog-to-digital converter;
BSP onboard spare parts;
CP – control panel;
CS control system;
DAC digital-to-analog converter;
DGP device genlocking pulse;
DSP depot spare parts;
LC – liquid crystal;
LED - light-emitting diode;
MC microcontroller;
МP microprocessor;
OM operating manual;
PLIC programmable logic integrated circuit;
RAM random access memory;
RCLI – radial corrent loop interface;
RCB - printed circuit board;
RGP receiver genlocking pulse;
ROM read only memory;
RS-232 standard serial interface;
TVD – television device, this term generalizes names of following devices:
Неотон-08, Неотон-08-1, Неотон-08-2, КТ-257, ТМ-1220-1;
TVM – television module;
VRD – video recording device;
VS – video signal.