Honeywell HCM-750 Operation Continued, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Continued, Question, Answer

Models: HCM-750

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Operation (Continued)


Operation (Continued)





There is no water running through the water

First check to make sure there is water in your

flow area on the top housing.

humidifier. If yes, check your water pump to make


sure it is properly seated in the holding area. Next


check to make sure the water hose is firmly at-


tached to both the water pump and the water outlet.


Last, make sure there is nothing obstructing the


water flow area on the top grille or water hose.


If these steps do not help, please see our


Troubleshooting Guide or contact our customer


service department at 1-800-477-0457.



Why did my humidifier suddenly start

Check your water level. If your humidifier starts

sounding loud?

sounding louder it is an indication that you need to


refill your humidifier.



How much water does my humidifier hold?

Your humidifier can hold up to 1.5 Gallons of water.



How long will my humidifier run when full?

Your humidifier will run up to 17 hrs on high and


48 hrs on low.




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Honeywell HCM-750 Operation Continued, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Continued, Question, Answer, service department at