ER300 Owner’s Manual
Page 7
ER300 Power Sources Continued...
Dynamo Power: Turning the hand crank charges the built-in
Li-ion battery pack. To charge the radio using the hand crank,
make sure the power source switch is in the “Li” position and
start turning the crank. The CHARGE indicator light will be lit
while the unit is being cranked. Speed of cranking and length of
time cranked will determine the charge of the Li-ion battery. The
battery icon on the LCD will flash as the battery charges. When
the Li-ion battery has reached full charge, the battery icon will
stop flashing and will have 3 bars. One minute of cranking gives
up to 9 minutes of radio use time.
Solar Panel Charge: Make sure the power source switch
is in the “Li” position. Then, place the ER300 where the solar
panel is exposed to direct sunlight. One hour of solar charging
in optimal sunlight conditions gives up to 45 minutes of radio
use time. The battery icon on the LCD will flash as the battery
charges. When the Li-ion battery has reached full charge, the
battery icon will stop flashing and will have 3 bars. The CHARGE
indicator light will be lit while the unit is charging.
AA Battery Operation: The ER300 is designed to operate
on six AA batteries (not included). To power the ER300 on its
AA batteries, flip the power source switch to the “AA” position.
Warning: For long-term storage, it is recommended that the
AA batteries be removed to prevent leakage and damage to the