￿Chimney extension

Guide to the Ventilation System

￿Chimney extension



￿Charcoal filter

(optional accessory)

￿Grease filter

￿Recirculation vent

￿Control panel

￿Overhead lighting

￿Light button

This button turns the light on and off and also dims the light.

The lighting can be used independently from the fan.

￿On/Off button

￿Fan power selection

Four fan speed selection

￿Delayed shut down

This button activates the Delayed Shut Down feature. The fan can be set to turn off automatically after either 5 or 15 minutes.

￿Grease filter button

The indicator next to the grease filter button lights when the grease filters need to be cleaned. This button is also used:

to reset the grease filter timer after cleaning the grease filters (see "Cleaning and Care").

to show how long the grease filters have been in use (see "Operation/ Filter timers").

to change the number of hours counted by the grease filter timer (see "Operation/Reprogramming the timers").

￿Charcoal filter button

The indicator next to the charcoal filter button lights when the charcoal filter needs to be replaced.

This button is also used:

to reset the charcoal filter timer after changing the filter (see "Cleaning and care").

to show how long the charcoal filter has been in use (see "Operation/ Filter timers").

to change the number of hours counted by the charcoal filter timer (see "Operation/Reprogramming the timers").


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Image 9
Miele DA 5391 W Chimney extension Chimney Canopy Charcoal filter, Grease filter Recirculation vent Control panel