2.4 Configuring the AP After the IP addressing issue is resolved, launch a Web browser on the managing
computer. Then, go to “http://Error! Reference source not found.” to access the
Web-based Network Manager Start page.
TIP: For maintenance configuration of an AP, the AP can be reached by its host name
using a Web browser. For example, if the AP is named “AP”, you can use the URL
“http://AP” to access the Web-based Network Manager of the AP.
2.4.1 Entering the User Name and Password
Before the start page is shown, you will be prompted to enter the user name and pass-
word to gain the right to access the Web-based Network Manager. For first-time con-
figuration, use the default user name “root” and default password “root”, respectively.
Fig. 3. Entering the user name and password.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that the password be changed to other value for se-
curity reasons. On the start page, click the General, Password link to change the value
of the password.
TIP: Since the start page shows the current settings and status of the AP, it can be
saved or printed within the Web browser for future reference.