5-8. Adjust Control
1 Adjust Control
The Adjust control is used to change various sequence parame- ters, and to select various se- quences. Refer to the section for the function in question for informa- tion related to using the Adjust con- trol.
| CE Models |
5-9. Sequence Push Button
Start |
3 |
Crater |
Pre/Postflow |
2 |
1 |
Sequence |
Non-CE Models
| 1 | Sequence Push Button | ||
| 2 Sequence Push Button LED | |||
3 | 3 | Welding Sequence LEDs | ||
| ||
| Start | Weld | Crater | |
2 | Time | |||
Time | Time | |||
| |||
1 | Preflow |
| Postflow | |
Time |
| |||
| |||
| Time | ||
| ||
| Welding Sequence Diagram | |||
CE Models |
•The Sequence push button allows the selection of welding sequences. Five weld- ing sequences are available. The default sequence is the Weld sequence. The Weld sequence is active on power up, and is indi- cated when no welding sequence LEDs are illuminated. Three welding sequence LEDs are located above the Sequence push but- ton: Start, Crater, and Preflow/Postflow. The applicable LED illuminates to indicate which welding sequence is active.
•The LED illuminates to indicate that a weld- ing sequence display mode other than Weld is activate. Welding sequences other than Weld must be set prior to initiating the arc. When the unit enters a welding state, all se- quence display modes are terminated and the weld display mode is activated.
If zero time is programmed for a timed se-
quence except for Weld, that sequence will be skipped.
•In the weld sequence display mode the Se- quence push button LED is Off , and all other sequence LEDs are Off. When the Se- quence push button is pressed, the Se- quence push button and the Start LEDs illu- minate. In this condition, the unit is in the Start sequence display mode, and Start se- quence parameters are shown in the dis- plays.
•When the Sequence push button is pressed a second time, the Start sequence LED goes Off and the Crater sequence LED illu- minates. The Sequence push button LED remains illuminated. In this condition, the unit is in the Crater sequence display mode, and Crater sequence parameters are shown in the displays.
•When the Sequence push button is pressed a third time, the Crater sequence LED goes Off and the Preflow/Postflow sequence LED illuminates. The Sequence push but- ton LED remains illuminated. In the Preflow display mode the upper display shows the preflow time and the lower display indicates the abbreviation PRE, to inform the operator that preflow time is displayed. If the upper display push button is pressed, the Adjust control can be used to adjust preflow.
If the lower display push button is pressed, the Adjust control can be used to select between preflow PRE and postflow POST. When POST is selected, the upper display can be used to specify postflow time.
•When the Sequence push button is pressed a fourth time, all sequence LEDs and the Sequence push button LED go off and the unit returns to the welding sequence display mode.