083 696D |
December 1993
Digi-Meter 1500 RMS (AC/DC)
Digital Ammeter/Voltmeter For Measuring Weld Output
Accurately (± 1%) Measures DC Or AC (RMS) Output
Max. Capacity: 1500 Amperes, 100 Volts AC/DC At 100% Duty Cycle
Includes 8 ft (2.4 m) 115 Volts AC Input Power Cord
Displays To Nearest Ampere And 1/10 Volt
Has Hold Feature Which Takes Readings After 10 Seconds Of Welding
And Holds Displays For 15 Seconds After Welding Stops
Read and follow these instructions and all safety blocks carefully.
Have only trained and qualified persons install, operate, or service this unit.
Call your distributor if you do not understand the directions.
Give this manual to the operator.
For help, call your distributor
or: MILLER Electric Mfg. Co., P.O. Box 1079, Appleton, WI 54912
cover 7/93 – | 1993 MILLER Electric Mfg. Co. | PRINTED IN USA |