6-1. Operational Terms
The following is a list of terms and their definitions as they apply to the interface unit in the wire feeder:
General Terms: |
Arc Adjust | Term used to represent arc length adjustments in pulse programs. Increasing Arc Adjust increases |
| the actual arc length. Likewise, decreasing arc adjust shortens arc length. Arc Adjust is replaced by |
| volts in MIG programs. |
Trigger Control | Selecting Trigger Control allows activating trigger functions such as DS, TH, 4T, TDS, and TPS. |
DS (Dual Schedule) | Dual Schedule allows selecting a pair of programs that can be used together. |
TH (Trigger Hold) | Trigger Hold allows the operator to feed wire without continuously pressing the gun trigger. In trigger |
| hold mode, momentarily press gun trigger, and wire will feed until gun trigger is momentarily pressed |
| again. |
4T | 4T allows the operator to select between weld parameters and crater parameters using the gun |
| trigger. Crater time must be set for at least 0.2 seconds to make this function operational. If gun |
| trigger is released during welding, unit goes into trigger hold, then pressing and holding trigger again |
| causes unit to stay in crater until trigger is released and crater parameter times out. |
TDS (Trigger Dual Schedule) | TDS allows the operator to select between a pair of weld programs by using the gun trigger. In TDS |
| mode, momentarily pressing the gun trigger allows the operator to cycle between a pair of preselected |
| weld programs. |
TPS (Trigger Program Schedule) | TPS allows the operator to select weld programs by using the gun trigger. In TPS mode, momentarily |
| pressing the gun trigger allows the operator to cycle through preselected weld programs up to a total |
| of 8 programs. |
Program | Eight active slots for selection of various processes, wire type, and parameters. |
Process | A selection made for MIG, Pulse, |
MIG | CV weld process with individual settings of voltage and wire speed. |
Pulse | Conventional pulse program using peak, background, pulse width, frequency, and peak voltage as |
| factory taught data. Adaptive method is controlled by frequency adjustment. |
| Pulse process utilizing constant current ramps with constant voltage control of peaks and |
| backgrounds. Adaptive response is controlled by peak and minimum current levels. Benefits are |
| shorter arc lengths, better puddle control, more tolerant of |
| arc wandering, allows weld to fill in at toes increasing travel speed and deposition, and more tolerant |
| to poor fit up and gaps. |
Accuspeed | CV Pulse process designed for high travel speeds. Typically used in Robotic applications. Arc is de- |
| signed to be tight and fast. Front panel display is ACCU − SPED. |
AccuCurve | CV Pulse process using a pulse waveform with modified curves at particular locations within the wa- |
| veform. Has a distinguished change in arc characteristics. Front panel display is ACCU − CURV. |
RMD (optional) | RMD refers to Regulated Metal Deposition. A precisely controlled |
| RMD are well suited to thin materials, improves gap filling and spatter reduction. Provides less heat |
| input into workpiece, minimizes distortion and allows use of larger diameter wire on thin gauge |
| materials. |
Wire Type | Selection of wire type by alloys and classification. |
Gas Type | Selection of shielding gas being used in application. |
Process Set Up | Selection procedure for entering program. |
Program Load | Enters selected program information into program slot. |
Volts | Preset voltage in MIG mode at idle, actual voltage while welding, and 3 seconds hold value at end of |
| weld. |
Time | Indicates time values being set for timed functions (e.g. Preflow, Postflow which are only available in |
| the Arc On and Analog input or the Arc On and No Analog input modes). |
Arc Length | Distance from end of wire electrode to workpiece. |
WFS | Term used to represent wire feed speed. In MIG mode, wire feed setting is independent of voltage |
| setting. In pulse, |
| level on wire electrode (one knob control). |
Amps | Indicates average amperage while welding and 3 seconds hold value at end of weld. |
Arc Control | Allows setting of inductance in MIG mode. In pulse and |
| the arc cone by adjusting the preprogrammed factory pulse data. In RMD (optional), this control will |
| affect the in much the same way as inductance. |
Inductance | In short circuit GMAW welding, an increase in inductance will decrease the number of short circuit |
| transfers per second (provided no other changes are made) and increase the |
| increased |
Adjust | Control knob used to change or set parameters and functions. |