A.2 Ethernet Jumpers


Jumper Settings Appendix A

A.2 Ethernet Jumpers

On a NIC with both 10BaseT and 10Base2 capability there are three
jumpers that affect Ethernet operations: Automatic/Manual (JP4),
Manual Selection (JP3), and Collision Threshold (JP5).
The Automatic/Manual jumper causes the NIC to select Ethernet
network type automatically when in the AUTO position. In the MA
position, the selection is covered by the Manual Selection jumper.
The Manual Select jumper allows the user to force the NIC to operate
from the indicated connector. Note that with the Manual-10BaseT
connection, the NIC will operate 10BaseT without the support of the
LINK connect signal.
The Collision Threshold jumper is for Thinnet interfaces only. The
10BaseT Ethernet interface does not use this jumper. The default
setting is TX for Transmit Threshold. You may wish to change this
jumper to RX (Receive Threshold) if you are using the Thinnet
interface and you wish to adjust the collision threshold.

A.3 Reset to Factory

The NIC may be restored to factory default conditions by jumper
(OP2). The function of OP2 is to reconfigure NVRAM. This is done
when a unit is mov ed from one site to another and should be restored to
as as-new condition.
If the unit is powered up with a jumper in the OP2, the card resets all
parameters to Factory Def ault state. This is indicated by the three quick
green flashes followed by the alternating red and green indications
(once per second rate). This special indicator sequence means that the
NVRAM parameters have been reset to factory default values. Now
turn off power and shift the OP2 jumper (labeled CUST). The unit
operates normally when you turn power on again.
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