Trademark and License information


GNU General Public License


2, June 1991



(C) 1989, 1991

Free Software Foundation, Inc.



675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and changeit. By contrast, the GNUGeneralPublic Licenseis intended to guarantee your freedom to share and changefree software--to make surethe software isfree for all its users. ThisGeneralPublic Licenseapplies to most of theFreeSoftware Foundation'ssoftware and to any other programwhose authors committo using it. (Someother FreeSoftware Foundationsoftware iscoveredby the GNULibraryGeneralPublic Licenseinstead.) Youcan apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software we are referringto freedom, not price. Our GeneralPublicLicensesare designedto makesure that you have thefreedom to distribute copies of freesoftware (andchargefor ths eerv ce f you wsh, that you rece vesource code or canget t f you want it, that you canchange the software oruse pieces of it in new freeprograms; and that you know you can do thesethings.

To protect your rights, we needto makerestrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights orto askyou to surrenderthe rights. Theserestrictions translateto certain responsibilitiesfor you if you distributecopies of thesoftware, or if you modify it.

Forexample if you distribute copiesof such aprogram, whether gratis orfor afee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. Youmust makesurethat they, too, receiveor can getthe source code. And you must show them theseterms sothey know the r r ghte.

We protect your rights with two steps: (1)copyright the software,and (2) offer you this licensewhich gives you legal permissionto copy,distribute and/or modify the software.

Also for each author'sprotection and ours we want to makecertain that everyoneunderstands that there is no warranty for this freesoftware. Ifthe software is modified bysomeone else and passedon, we want ts rec pents to know that what they have s not theor g na, so that anyprob eros ntroduced byothers w not ref ect on the org na authors reputat one.

Finally anyf_e programis threatenedconstan!ly bysoftware patents. We wish to avoidthe dangerthat redistributors of a,free programwill individuallyobtain patent licenses,in effect makingthe program propnetary, toprevent th s,we nave maae t ctearthat any patent must be t censedfor everyonee Treeuse or not ceneeoat a.

The preciseterms and conditions for copying, distribution and modificationfellow.



O. This Licenseapplies to any programor otherwork whichcontains a notice placed bythe copyright holder sayingit maybe distributed underthe terms of thisGeneralPublic License. The "Program",

below refersto anysuch program orwork, and a"work basedon the Program" means eithertee Program orany derivativework undercopyright law:that is to ear, awork containingthe Programor a portion of t, ether verbat m or w th rood f cat onsand/or traneated ntoanother anguage. Herenafter, translat on s ncuded wthout m tat on nfhe term rood f cat on. Each censee s addressed as you.

Activities otherthan copying distribution and modification are not coveredbythis License;they areoutside its scope. Theact of running the Program isnot restricted, and the output from the Program is covered on y f ts contents const tute a work basedon the Program ndependentof hayng been made byrunn ng the Program. Whetherthat efrue depends on what the Programdoes.

1.You maycopy and distribute verbatim copiesof the Program'ssource code asyou receiveit in anymedium provided that you conspicuouslyand appropriately publish on each copy anappropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty keep intact all the notices that referto thisLicense and to the absence ofany warranty and give anyotherrecipients ofthe Program acopy of this Licensealong with theProgram.

Youmaychargea feefor the physicalact of transferring acopy, and you mayat your optionoffer warranty protection in exchangefor afee.

2.You maymodify your copy or copiesof the Programor any portion of it thus forming a work basedon the Program and copy and distribute such modifications orwork underthe terms of Section 1above, provided that you also meetall of these conditions:

a)You must cause themodified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the dateof anychange.

b)You must cause any work that you distribute or publish,that in wholeor in part contains or isderived from the Program or anypart thereof,to be licensed asa whole at no chargeto all third parties underthe terms ofthis License.

c)If the modified programnormally reads commandsinteractivelywhen run you must cause it when started running for such interactiveuse in the most ordinary way to print ordisplay an announcementincluding anappropriate copyright notice and a notice that there isno warranty (or else, sayingthat you provide awarranty) and that usersmay redistnbutethe program underthese conditions; and telling tee userhow to view a copy ofthis License. (Exception: if the Program itselfis interactivebut does not normally print such anannouncement your work based onthe Program s not requ=redto prnt an announcement.

These requirementsapply to themodified work as awhole. Ifidentifiable sections of that work are notderived from the Program and can be reasonablyconsideredindependent and separateworks in them- selves then this License,and its terms, do notapply to those sections when you distributethem asseparateworks. But whenyou distribute thesame sections as part of a whole whichis awork based on the Program,the d str but on of the who e must be on theterms of ths Lcense, whose permesone for other ceneeesextend to theent rewho e, and thus to each and every part regardees of who wrote t.

Thus, it is notthe intent of thissection to claim rightsor contest your rights to work written entirelyby you;rather,the intent isto exercisethe right to control the distribution of derivativeor collective works basedon the Program.

In addition mereaggregation of anotherwork not basedon the Programwith the Program (orwith awork basedon the Program)on avolumeof astorage or distribution mediumdoes notbring theother work underthe scope of the L cense.

3.You maycopy and distribute the Program (orawork based on it, underSection 2)in object code or executable form undertheterms of Sections 1and 2 aboveprovided that you also do oneofthe follow- ing:

a)Accompany it with the completecorresponding machine-readablesource code which must be distributed underthe terms of Sections 1 and 2above on amedium customarilyused for software interchange;or,

b)Accompany it with awritten offer, validfor at least three years,to give anythird party, for a chargeno more thanyour cost of physicallyperferming source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code to be distributed underthe terms of Sections land 2aboveon a mediumcustomarily used for software interchange or,

c)Accompanyit with the dormation you received asto theoffer to distribute correspndingseurce code. (Thisalternativeis allowed onlyfor noncommercialdistribution and only if you receivedthe programin objectcode or executable form with such an offer, inaccord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for awork means the preferredform of thework for makingmodifications to it. For an executablework complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains plus any associatedinterface definition files plus thescripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable.However asa special exception the source code distributed neednot include anythingthat

isnormally distributed (in either source or binaryform) with the major components (compiler kernel and so on)of theoperating system on which the executableruns unlessthat component itselfaccompa- nes theexecutabe.

Ifdistribution of executable or object code is made byoffering accessto copy from a designatedplace then offering equivalentaccess to copy the source code from the same placecounts as distribution of the source code, even thoughthird parties are notcompe ed to copy thesource a eng w th the ob ect code.

4.You maynot copy modify sublicense or distribute the Programexcept as expresslyprovided underthis License. Anyattempt otherwiseto copy modify sublicenseor distributethe Program isvoid and will automatically terminate your rights underthis License. However parties who have receivedcopies or rights from you underthis License will nethave tEeirlicensesterminatedso long assuch parties rernan n fu comp ance.

5.You arenot required to accept this License,since_ou havenot signed it. However,nothing else grants you permissionto modifX or distribute theProgram or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. tnerefore,by modifying or distributing the Program (oranywork based on the t-'rogram),you indicateyour acceptance of thisLicense to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying,distributing or modifying the Programor works basedon it.

6.Eachtimeyou redistribute the Program (oranywork based on theProgram) the recipientautomatically receivesa license from the originallicensor to copy, distributeor modify the Program subject to

these terms and cond tons. You maynot reposeany further restr ct ons on the recp ents exercse of the r ghts grantedhere n. Youare not responsb efor enforc ng comp ance by th rd part esto ths License.

7.If, as aconsequence of a courtjudgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason(notlimited to patent issues),conditions areimposed on you (whetherbycourt order, agreementor otherwise)that contradict the conditions of this License,they do not excuseyou from the conditions of this License. Ifyou cannot distribute so asto satisfy simultaneously,your obligations underthis License and anyother pertinentobligations thenas aconsequence you maynot distributethe Program at all. For example,if a patent licensewould not permit royalty-free redistnbution of t]_eProgram byall those who rece vecop es d rect y or nd rect y throughyou, then theon y way you cou d sat sfy both t and ths L censewou d beto refran ent rey from dstr buttonof theProgram.

Ifany portion of this section isheld invalid or unenforceableunderany particular circumstance, the balance of thesection is intended to apply and the section as awhole is intended to apply in other circum- stances.

It isnot thepurpose of thissection to induceyou to infringeany patents or other property right claims or to contest validityof anysuch claims; this section has thesole purposeof protecting theintegrity of the free software distribution system whichis implementedby public license practices. Many people have made generouscontributions to the wide rangeof software distributed throughthat system in reli- ance on consstent app cat on of that system; t s up to the author/donor to dec de f heor she s w ng to d str bu_esoftware through any othersystem and a censeecannot reposethat cho ce.

This section is intended to makethoroughly clear what is believedto bea consequenceof the rest of this License.

8.Ifthe distribution and/or useof the Programis restricted in certain countries either by patents orby copyrighted interfaces,theoriginal copyright holder who placesthe Program underthis License may add an explicit geographicaldistribution limitationexcluding thosecountries sothat distribution ispermitted only in or amongcountnes nottlius excluded. In such case this Eicenseincorporates the limita- tion asif written in t]_ebody of thisLicense.

9.The FreeSoftware Foundation maypublish revised and/or new versionsof the GeneralPublic Licensefrom time to time. Such new versionswill be similarin spirit to the presentversion, but maydiffer in detailto addressnew problems or concerns.

Eachversionis givena distinguishingversionnumber. Ifthe Programspecifies aversion numberof this License whichapplies to it and "any later version",you have theoption of followingthe terms and con- ditionseither ofihat version orof any laterversion publishedby t_neFreeSoftware Foundation. Ifthe Program does not specify a versionnumberof this License,you maychooseany versionever published bythe FreeSoftware Foundation.

if you are interested in obtaining open source code for this product, please contact Mitsubishi at

(800) 332-2119.A nominal handling and mailing charge may apply.

For assistance call 1(800} 332-2119

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Mitsubishi Electronics 838, 738 manual GNU General Public License, Trademark and License information

838, 738 specifications

Mitsubishi Electronics has long been recognized for its innovative contributions to the electronics and technology sectors. Among its notable offerings is the Mitsubishi Electronics 838,738, a cutting-edge device that epitomizes the company’s commitment to excellence in performance, efficiency, and user experience.

The Mitsubishi 838,738 is designed to meet the needs of diverse applications, making it an ideal choice for both industrial and commercial use. One of its standout features is its high processing power, which is accomplished through advanced microcontroller technology. This enables the device to execute complex tasks with remarkable speed, ensuring operational efficiency across various applications.

Another key characteristic of the 838,738 is its user-friendly interface. The device incorporates a vibrant display and intuitive controls, facilitating easy navigation and interaction. This is particularly beneficial in settings where quick access to information is crucial, such as in manufacturing plants or service centers.

A significant technological advancement in the Mitsubishi 838,738 lies in its energy efficiency. With an emphasis on sustainability, the device is engineered to consume less power without compromising performance. This not only lowers operational costs but also contributes to environmental conservation efforts, aligning with global trends towards greener technologies.

The connectivity options of the 838,738 are extensive, featuring multiple interfaces that support integration with various systems and devices. This flexibility allows users to seamlessly connect the device with existing infrastructure, enhancing overall operational fluidity.

Security is another critical aspect of the 838,738. Mitsubishi Electronics has integrated robust security protocols to safeguard sensitive data and ensure safe operations. This feature is particularly vital in sectors where data integrity and compliance with regulations are paramount.

In terms of durability, the Mitsubishi 838,738 is built to withstand demanding environments. Its rugged design ensures reliable performance in challenging conditions, making it suitable for use in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and telecommunications.

Overall, the Mitsubishi Electronics 838,738 stands out as a versatile and reliable device. With its powerful processing capabilities, energy efficiency, extensive connectivity, enhanced security, and durability, it exemplifies Mitsubishi’s dedication to advancing technology while addressing the practical needs of its users. It is a prime choice for businesses looking to enhance productivity and remain competitive in a fast-evolving landscape.