Parameter list
restart functions
57 Restart coasting time
0, 0.1 to 5s, 9999/
0, 0.1 to 30s, 9999
*2 0.1s 9999 152
58 Restart cushion time 0 to 60s 0.1s 1s 152
59 Remote function selection 0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 1 0 98
60 Energy saving control selection 0, 4, 9 1 0 163
65 Retry selection 0 to 5 1 0 159
66 Stall prevention operation reduction
starting frequency 0 to 40 0Hz 0.01Hz 60Hz 81
67 Number of retries at fault occurrence 0 to 10, 101 to 110 1 0 159
68 Retry waiting time 0 to 10 s 0.1s 1s 159
69 Retry count display erase 010159
70 Special regenerative brake duty 0 to 10% 0.1% 0% 114
71 Applied motor 0, 1, 2, 20 1 0 111
72 PWM frequency selection 0 to 15/0 to 6, 25 *2 12169
73 Analog input selection 0 to 7, 10 to 17 1 1 171
74 Input filter time constant 0 to 8 1 1 176
75 Reset selection/disconnected PU
detection/PU stop selection
0 to 3, 14 to 17,
100 to 103, 114 to 117 114186
76 Fault code output selection 0, 1, 2 1 0 161
77 Parameter write selection 0, 1, 2 1 0 189
78 Reverse rotation prevention selection 0, 1, 2 1 0 190
79 Operation mode selection 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 1 0 195
Simple magnetic
flux vector control
80 Motor capacity
0.4 to 55kW, 9999/
0 to 3600kW, 9999
*2 0.01/0.1kW 9999 79
90 Motor constant (R1)
0 to 50
, 9999/
0 to 400m
, 9999
0.01mΩ9999 79
Adjustable 5 points V/F
100 V/F1(first frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 92
101 V/F1(first frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1V 0V 92
102 V/F2(second frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 92
103 V/F2(second frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1V 0V 92
104 V/F3(third frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 92
105 V/F3(third frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1V 0V 92
106 V/F4(fourth frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 92
107 V/F4(fourth frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1V 0V 92
108 V/F5(fifth frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 0.01Hz 9999 92
109 V/F5(fifth frequency voltage) 0 to 1000V 0.1V 0V 92
PU connector communication
117 PU communication station number 0 to 31 1 0 214
118 PU communication speed 48, 96, 192, 384 1 192 214
119 PU communication stop bit length 0, 1, 10, 11 1 1 214
120 PU communication parity check 0, 1, 2 1 2 214
121 Number of PU communication retries 0 to 10, 9999 1 1 214
122 PU communication check time
interval 0, 0.1 to 999.8s, 9999 0.1s 9999 214
123 PU communication waiting time
setting 0 to 150ms, 9999 1 9999 214
124 PU communication CR/LF selection 0, 1, 2 1 1 214
Function Parameters
Name Setting Range