Setting Up Your VCR

Adding and Deleting Channels

If necessary, you can manually add or delete channels after you have completed the automatic channel memorizing.

1Make sure that video mute is ON. See page 39.

2Set the VCRÕs input to tuner. To do this, press INPUT on the remote control until a channel number appears on the screen.

3Press MENU on the remote control. VCR Main Menu appears.

4Press the ADJUST buttons on the remote control to select First Time Set-Up. Press ENTER.

5You will see the First Time Set-Up menu. Press the ADJUST buttons to select Add/delete channels. Press ENTER.


If you are playing back a tape or receiving a video signal from an external input, then Not available will flash on- screen. To correct this, stop the tape or turn off the menus and switch the VCRÕs input to tuner.

6You will see the screen for adding or deleting channels. Use the ADJUST buttons to select the channel that you want to add or delete. Press ENTER to add the channel; press CANCEL to delete it.

7When you are finished adding or deleting channels, press MENU three times to exit the menus.


If you use automatic memorizing again, you will lose all of the manual changes you made. All of the channels you deleted will be added; all of the channels you added will be deleted.

Selecting a Channel

Now that you have memorized channels, and added or deleted some, you will want to be able to select channels. If you have not yet memorized channels, see page 13, Memorizing Channels



Antenna/Cable selections

Your VCR can receive

indoor/outdoor antenna

VHF/UHF channels 2Ð69

cable antenna

cable channels 1Ð125

If you try to select a channel number that the VCR cannot receive, the VCR will not change channels.

selecting channels sequentially

Press CHANNEL on the remote control or on the VCR front panel. This will cycle through the channels in sequential numerical order.

selecting channels directly

Use the number buttons on the remote control. For example, to choose channel 23, press 2-3.

To select a single digit channel, such as channel 5; press 5. You can also press 5, then press ENTER.

ÄFirst Time Set-Up￿ Your choices are:￿ ÅSet the clock￿ ÆMemorize channels￿ ÇAdd/delete channels￿


º¹MENU to go back￿

¹¹ADJUST to select￿ ²´³¹ENTER to enter￿

· ¹¹ADJUST to select

ÇAdd/delete channels￿


Channel 39￿

Not in memory￿


º¹MENU to go back￿

¹¹ADJUST to select￿ ²´³¹ENTER to add￿

· ¹¹ADJUST to select ￿

-¹¹¹¹¹CANCEL to delete




Page 16
Image 16
Mitsubishi Electronics HS-U448 manual Adding and Deleting Channels, Selecting a Channel, Cable antenna Cable channels 1Ð125