If you forget your unlock code, try entering 1234 or the last four
digits of your phone number. If that does not work, do the
following when you see the Enter Unlock Code message:

Locking and Unlocking Your Phone

You can lock your phone manually or set your phone to lock
automatically whenever you turn it off.
When you try to use a locked phone, it asks you to enter the
unlock code. A locked phone still rings or vibrates for incoming
calls or messages,

but you must unlock it to answer

You can make emergency calls on your phone even when it is
locked. See “Dialing an Emergency Number When the Phone is
Locked” on page 37.

Lock Your Phone Manually

Press To
M go to the unlock code bypass screen
keypad keys enter your security code
OK (+) submit your security code
Find the Feature
M> Settings > Security
> Phone Lock > Lock Now
Press To
keypad keys enter your four-digit unlock code
OK (+) lock the phone