
store your voicemail number
Find it: M > Messages > M > Voicemail Setup
1Press keypad keys to enter your voicemail number.
2Press SAVE to store the number.
receive voicemail
When you receive a voicemail message, your phone displays 1 New Message and a new voicemail indicator on the status pane. (Some networks only indicate when you have messages, whether or not they are new.) If users delete all voicemail messages, the voicemail indicator will disappear.
To listen to your voicemail messages:
Find it: M > Messages > Voicemail
Your phone may prompt you to store your voicemail phone number. If you do not have a
voicemail number stored, the phone guides you through storing a number.
inserting special characters into dialing sequences
You can insert special characters, as well as numbers, in a phone number.
p (pause) | Your phone waits until the call |
| connects before it dials the next |
| digit(s) in the series. |
w (wait) | Your phone waits until the call |
| connects, then prompts you for |
| confirmation before it dials the |
| next digit(s). |
You can add a pause or a wait while your call is dialing. To add a pause before the phone