Link Contacts
You might have two Contacts for the
same person; maybe a Facebook friend
who is also stored on your SIM card, or
one friend with two email addresses. To
combine these two contacts:
Find it: Dialer > Contacts
Touch a contact to open it, then
touch Menu > Link contact and touch
the second entry. Your MOTOBLUR
account remembers this conn ection.
Create Contacts
Find it: Dialer > Contacts > Menu
> Add contact
Touch a text box to type t he name and
details. When you’re finished,
touch Menu > Save.
Where are contacts saved? Your ph one
saves new contacts in its memory, your
MOTOBLUR account, and other accounts
you select: In Contacts, touch Menu >
More > Settings to choose which
accounts get updated. New contacts won’t
be on your SIM card, but they will
download to any new MOTOBLUR phone
when you log into your MOTOBLUR
Synchronize Contacts
When you change one of your Contacts,
your phone autom atically updates your
MOTOBLUR account online. Also, your
phone updates your Contacts and
MOTOBLUR account whenever you
change a friend in your social networking
So, you don’t have to do anything to
synchronize your Contacts with your
other accounts! MOTOBLUR takes care of
it for you.
My Details
Find it: Dialer > Contacts > Menu
> My info