Abbreviations and Acronyms
The abbreviations and acronyms list contains the full spelling of the short forms used in this manual:
BHA | Broadband (Apartment) House Amplifier |
c/n | |
CATV | Community Antenna Television |
CSO | composite second order |
CTB | composite triple beat |
dB | decibels |
dBm | decibels relative to one milliwatt |
dBc | decibels, relative to carrier level |
dBmV | decibels relative to one millivolt |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
IEC | International Electrical Code |
LED | |
MHz | Megahertz |
mW | milliwatts |
NTSC | National Television Systems Committee |
RF | radio frequency |
RSA | Return for Service Authorization |
TRC | Technical Response Center |
Vac | Volt - alternating current |
Vdc | Volt - direct current |