voicemail number. Your service provider may have already done this for you.

Using Voicemail

You can listen to your voicemail messages by calling your network voicemail phone number. Voicemail messages are stored on the network—not on your phone.

Storing Your Voicemail Number

Storing your voicemail number on your phone makes it easy for you to listen to new voicemail messages. Usually, your service provider has already done this for you.

Find the Feature

M> Messages



> Message Settings



> Voicemail No.




keypad keys

enter your voicemail number





OK (+)

store the number







Note: You cannot store Pause, Wait, or n characters in this number. If you want to store your voicemail number with these characters, create a phonebook entry for it. Then, you can use the entry to call your voicemail. For more about these characters, see page 51.

Calling Features


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Motorola C341 manual Using Voicemail, Storing Your Voicemail Number