Problem | Possible Solution |
There is no video | Verify that the TV is powered on and set to the |
on the TV screen | appropriate input source for the DCT*. |
| Verify that the DCT* is powered on and tuned to an |
| authorized cable channel. |
| Verify that the coaxial cable feed is firmly connected to |
| the DCT* and the wall jack. |
| The DCT* DVI output may not yet be enabled. Use the |
| component video (Y Pb Pr) output instead. |
| If the DCT* video output is connected to a home theater |
| unit, verify that the home theater unit is powered on and |
| set to the appropriate input source. |
| Not all HDTVs can display every output format (1080i, |
| 720p, 480p, or 480i) available on the DCT*. Enter the |
| User Settings menu and cycle through the available |
| output formats until a picture displays on the TV. |
| Verify that all video cables between the DCT* and the TV |
| are firmly connected. |
There are no | The DCT* cannot generate graphics on all video outputs |
graphics, closed | at all times. If the DCT* is set to 1080i, 720p, or 480p |
captions, or | output format, graphics are only available on the HD |
program guides | video outputs (DVI and component video). If the DCT* is |
appearing on the | set to 480i, graphics are available on all video outputs. |
TV screen | If the DCT* is connected to a standard definition TV, |
| |
| verify that the DCT* is configured to use the 480i output |
| mode. |
| Verify that closed captions on the DCT* have been |
| enabled in the User Settings menu. |
| If you are using an IEEE 1394 connection, |
| graphics, including closed captions and program guides, |
| will not be displayed. |