1 - 2 Symbol DS6708 Digital Scanner Product Reference Guide

Supported Interfaces
The DS 6708 digital scanner supports:
USB connection to a host. The digital scanner autodetects a USB host and defaul ts to the HID keyboard
interface type. Select other USB interface types by scanning program ming bar code menus.This interface
supports the following international keyboards (for Windows® environment): No rth America, German,
French, French Canadian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, UK English, Portuguese-Brazilian, and Japanese.
Connection to IBM 468X/469X hosts. Scan bar code menus to set up communicat ion of the digital scanner
with the IBM terminal.
Standard RS-232 connection to a host. Scan bar code menus to set up proper communicatio n of the digital
scanner with the host.
Wand Emulation connection to a host. The digital scanner connects to a portable data terminal, a co ntroller,
or host which collects the data as wand data and decodes it.
Keyboard Wedge connection to a host. The host interprets scanned data as keys trokes. This interface
supports the following international keyboards (for Windows® environment): No rth America, German,
French, French Canadian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, UK English, Portuguese-Brazilian, and Japanese.
Scanner Emulation connection to a host. The digital scanner connects to a portable data ter minal or a
controller which collects the data and interprets it for the host.
Synapse capability which allows connection to a wide variety of host systems usin g a Synapse and Synapse
adapter cable. The digital scanner autodetects the host.
Configuration via 123Scan.
Remove the digital scanner from its packing and inspect it for damage. If the digital scann er was damaged in
transit, contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support. See page xvi i for contact information. KEEP THE PACKING.
It is the approved shipping container; use this to return the equipment for se rvicing.