Glossary - 8 Symbol DS6708 Digital Scanner Product Reference Guide

Scan Area. Area intended to contain a symbol.
Scanner. An electronic device used to scan bar code symbols and produce a digitized p attern that corresponds to the bars
and spaces of the symbol. Its three main components are: 1) Light source (laser or p hotoelectric cell) - illuminates a bar
code,; 2) Photodetector - registers the difference in reflected light (more li ght reflected from spaces); 3) Signal
conditioning circuit - transforms optical detector output into a digitiz ed bar pattern.
Scanning Mode. The scanner is energized, programmed and ready to read a bar code.
Scanning Sequence. A method of programming or configuring parameters for a bar code reading system by scanning bar
code menus.
SDK. Software Development Kit
Self-Checking Code. A symbology that uses a checking algorithm to detect encoding errors with in the characters of a bar
code symbol.
Shared Key. Shared Key authentication is an algorithm where both the AP and the MU share an authentication key.
SHIP. Symbol Host Interface Program.
SID. System Identification code. An identifier issued by the FCC for each market. It is also broadcast by the cellular carriers
to allow cellular devices to distinguish between the home and roaming service.
Soft Reset. See Warm Boot.
Space. The lighter element of a bar code formed by the background between bars.
Specular Reflection. The mirror-like direct reflection of light from a surface, which can cause difficulty decoding a bar code.
Start/Stop Character. A pattern of bars and spaces that provides the scanner with start and stop readin g instructions and
scanning direction. The start and stop characters are normally to the left and right margins of a horizontal code.
STEP. Symbol Terminal Enabler Program.
Subnet. A subset of nodes on a network that are serviced by the same router. See Router.
Subnet Mask. A 32-bit number used to separate the network and host sections of an IP address . A custom subnet mask
subdivides an IP network into smaller subsections. The mask is a bi nary pattern that is matched up with the IP address
to turn part of the host ID address field into a field for subnets. Default is often
Substrate. A foundation material on which a substance or image is plac ed.
SVTP. Symbol Virtual Terminal Program.
Symbol. A scannable unit that encodes data within the conventions of a certain symbology, usually including start/stop
characters, quiet zones, data characters and check characters.
Symbol Aspect Ratio. The ratio of symbol height to symbol width.
Symbol Height. The distance between the outside edges of the quiet zones of the first r ow and the last row.