
Revision History
Changes to the original manual are listed below:
Change Date Description
-01 Rev A 01/2007 Initial Release.
-02 Rev A 04/2007 U pdate service information, update operating temperature and drop specifications,
remove sealing specification, correct Symbol PTC Terminal bar code, add new
UPC/EAN supplemental options, Bookland ISBN format, 4State Postal, Aztec, and
and inverse code type parameters, changed RSS references to GS1 DataBar.
-03 Rev A 09/2007 Update decode ranges.
-04 Rev A 10/2008 -Add:
- Fu zzy 1D, Decode Mirror Images, Low Light Enhancement, and Presentation
Mode Field of View parameters, Code 128 Lengths, and Post US4.
- DS6 708-DL chapter.
-Update Motorola Web sites.
- UCC/EAN-128 references to GS1-128.
-05 Rev A 05/2009 Add custom defaults options; add ISSN EAN, Matrix 2 of 5, and Chinese 2 of 5 cod e
types; add ISBT concatenation parameters; change Dutch Postal references to
Netherlands KIX Code, 4State Postal to USPS 4CB/One Code/Intelligent Mail, and
Post US4 to UPU FICS Postal; add specific string search and new move cursor
options in ADF chapter.
-06 Rev A 10/2009 Add DS6708 with ba se model, add cable installation/removing instructions,
presentation mode bar code parameters and update technical specifications. Add
RS-232 parameters: Code 39 Full ASCII, PDF417, GS1 Databar 14/Limited/