Chapter 14 Driver’s License Set Up (DS6708-DL)
The DS6708-DL digital scanner is capable of parsing out information from standard US driver's lic enses and
certain other American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) compliant ID cards. Parsing can be
achieved in one of two ways:
Internally embedded algorithms - scanning bar codes activate algorithm s internally embedded in the digital
scanner to produce formatted data. Use the formatted data for age verification, cr edit card application
information, and more.
Server based parsing algorithms - the digital scanner recognizes the same ID cards bu t encrypts the content
and sends this to a host side application. The host side application u ses Motorola's server based parsing
algorithms, provided as a .DLL, to produce formatted data.
This chapter describes how to program the Symbol DS6708-DL digital scanner to read and use the data contained
in the 2D bar codes on US driver's licenses and AAMVA compliant ID cards.