Answering a call Handsfree
F D and hold, will allow the call to be answered Handsfree.
Voice Memo
You can record a conversation for approximately 50 seconds during a call. If a different SIM is installed any recorded message will be lost.
CAUTION: Security of a recorded message is your responsibility. You MUST ask for the other party’s consent before recording.
F : during a call
Two tones will sound when recording starts. Another two tones will sound, to the other party, every 15 seconds. When the recording stops a tone will sound to you.
F : while recording to restart Recording cannot be stopped once started.
Play Back
F: during standby.
If there is no recording two tones will sound.
To stop playing, press E
Playback Handsfree
F: and hold, during standby will allow handsfree operation of the telephone