Safety and General Information
Electro Magnetic Interference/Compatibility
Note: Nearly every electronic device is
susceptible to electrom agnetic
interference (EMI) if inadequately
shielded, designed or otherwise
configured for electrom agnetic


To avoid electromagnetic interference and/or
compatibility confli cts, turn off your radi o product in
any facility where posted notices instruct you to do
so. Hospitals or health care faci lities may be using
equipment that is sensitiv e to external RF energy.


When instructed to do so, turn off your radio
product when on board an aircraft . Any us e of a
radio product must be in accordance with
applicable regulations per airline crew instructions.
Medical Devices


The Advanced Medical Technolo gy Association
(AdvaMed) recommends that a minimum
separation of 6 inches (15 cm) be maintained
between a handheld wireless radio product and a
pacemaker. These recommendations are
consistent with those of the U. S. Food and Drug
Persons with pacema kers should:
ALWAYS keep the radio product more than 6
inches (15 cm) from t heir pacemaker when th e
radio product is turned ON.
Not carry the radio product in a breast pocket.
Use the ear opposite the pac ema ke r to mini mi ze
the potential for interference.
Turn the radio product O FF immediately if you
have any reason to suspect that interference is
taking place.

Hearing Aids

Some digital wireless radio pr oducts may interfere
with some hearing aids . In the event of suc h
interference, you may want to consult your hearing
aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives.