To answer a call by pressing any number key, you must have the Any Key Ans feature turned on (see “Phone Calls Features” on page 86).
Sending to Voice Mail
Press e.
Press A under No.
Press e.
Direct Connect® Calls
When you receive a Direct Connect call, your phone emits a chirping sound or vibrates.
1Wait for the caller to finish speaking.
2Press and hold the PTT button on the side of your phone. Begin talking after your phone emits a chirping sound.
3Release the PTT button to listen.
Call Icons
Call Icons
When you make a call, call icons appear in the text area of the phone’s display.
XPlacing a phone call.
WReceiving a phone call.
YPhone call is active.
ZPhone call is on hold.
UPhone call ended.
When you miss a call, this icon appears in the text area:
VYou missed a phone call.
Ways to Enter Calls
To enter the number you want to call, you can:
•Use the numbers on the keypad
•Select the number from the recent calls list
•Select the number from Contacts
•Redial the last phone number called
•Use Speed Dial or Turbo Dial®