begin a message from the LINC Manager
The LINC Manager lets you select the LINC ID you want to send the message to from Contacts or the Recent Calls list.
Find it: M > LINC Manager > LINC Message.
Then select A Contact or A Recent Call to see a list of entries from the Contacts or the Recent Calls list that can receive messages.
create messages
After you have begun a message and chosen a recipient, a screen appears that lets you create the text of the message you want to send. Your message may be up to 400 characters long.
You can choose from a list of
28main attractions
changes the Quick Note for this message only and will not change the Quick Note on the list.
send a completed message
After you have completed your message, press the PTT button to send it.
receive messages
When you receive a message, a message notification appears on the display.
To view the message press - under View.
To dismiss the message press - under Dismiss.
reply to a message
1View the message.
2Press - under Reply.
3Create the message and press the PTT button to send it.