Hand-Held Laser Scanner Port 11-5
Hand-Held Laser Scanner Options
Programming Mode
Program Hand-Held Scanner Only
If enabled, scanning parameter bar codes changes the settings on the hand-held laser scanner only, and does not affect the Symbol
LS7708 (primary scanner). The primary scanner does not recognize changes made to the decode parameters (i.e., code types, lengths,
or check digits). However, changing these parameters on the primary scanner overrides the hand-held scanner settings.
Program Hand-Held Scanner Only
Important: Use the primary scanner to scan this bar code.
Program Primary Scanner Only
If enabled, scanning parameter bar codes only changes the settings on the primary scanner (LS7708) and does not affect the hand-
held laser scanner. Any changes made to the decode parameters (i.e., code types, lengths or check digits) also apply to the hand-held
scanner. This mode is useful for programming the primary scanner using the hand-held scanner.
Program Primary Scanner Only
Important: Use the primary scanner to scan this bar code.