Scanning 2-5
Beeper DefinitionsThe scanner communicates by emitting different beeper sequences. Table 2-1 defines beeper sequences that occur during normal
scanning and while programming the scanner.
Table 2-1. Standard Beeper Definitions
Beeper Sequence Indication
Standard Use
3 short high beeps Power up.
Short high beep A bar code was decoded (if decode beeper is enabled).
4 long low beeps A transmission error was detected in a scanned symbol. The data is ignored. This occurs if the scan ner is not properly
configured. Check option settings.
When scanning bar code menu symbols, indicates the handheld scanner does not support t he setting; use the primary
scanner instead.
5 low beeps Conversion or format error.
Lo/hi/lo beep ADF transmit error.
Hi/hi/hi/lo beep RS-232 receive error on RS-232 host or RS-232 auxiliary port.
Parameter Menu Scanning
Short high beep Correct entry scanned or correct menu sequence performed.
Lo/hi beep Input error, incorrect bar code or “Cancel” scanned, wrong entry, incorrect bar code programming sequence;
remain in program mode.
Hi/lo beep Keyboard parameter selected. Enter value using bar code keypad.
Hi/lo/hi/lo beep Successful program exit with change in the parameter setting.
Lo/hi/lo/hi beep Out of host parameter storage space. Scan Set Default Parameter on page 4-5.
Lo/lo/lo/lo beep Unsupported parameter.
Code 39 Buffering
Hi/lo beep New Code 39 data was entered into the buffer.
3 long high beeps Code 39 buffer is full.
Lo/hi/lo beep The Code 39 buffer was erased or there was an attempt to clear or transmit an empt y buffer.
Lo/hi beep A successful transmission of buffered data.
Host Specific
USB only
4 short high beeps Scanner has not completed initialization. Wait several seconds and scan again.
Scanner emits a power-up beep
sequence (3 short high beeps) after
scanning a USB Device Type.
Communication with the bus must be established before the scanner can operate at the high est power level.
This power-up beep occurs more
than once.
The USB bus may put the scanner in a state where power to the scanner is cycled on and off more than once. This is
normal and usually happens when the PC cold boots.
RS-232 Host only
1 short high beep A <BEL> character is received and Beep on <BEL> is enabled.