INC – Increment
LDA - Load accumulator
LSR - Logical shift right
NEA - Negate
ORA - Inclusive OR
PSH - Push data onto stack
PUL - Pull data from stack
ROL - Rotate left
ROR - Rotate right
RTI - Return from interrupt
SBA - Subtract accumulators
SBC - Subtract with carry
STA - Store accumulator
SUB - Subtract
SWI - Software interrupt
TAB - Transfer from accumulator A to accumulator B
TAP - Transfer from accumulator A to processor condition codes register
TBA - Transfer from accumulator B to accumulator A
TPA - Transfer from processor condition codes register to accumulator A
TST - Test
WAI - Wait for interrupt
Index Register
The index register (X) is a 16 bit (2 byte) register which is primarily used to store a memory address in the Indexed mode of memory addressing. The index register may be decremented, incremented and stored. Instructions which involve the index register are: