Using Bluetooth 4 - 31
Virtual COM Port TabVirtual COM Port defines which COM ports BTExplorer attempts to use for virtual COM ports. Che ck the
appropriate checkbox to use the port as a virtual COM port. When finished, choo se Apply to enforce changes, or
Revert to restore the original settings.
Figure 4-40
BTExplorer Settings - Virtual COM Port Tab
Table 4-10
Discovery Tab Data
Item Description
Inquiry Length Sets the amount of time the MC75 takes to discover Bluetooth devices in the
Name Discovery Mode Select either Automatic or Manual to automatically attempt to discover a
Bluetooth device's name after finding the device.
Discovered Devices - Delete
Devices Deletes all discovered devices and link keys from memory.
Discovered Devices - Delete
Linked Keys Removes all pairing from remote Bluetooth devices, and makes them all
Table 4-11
Virtual COM Port Tab Data
Item Description
COM5:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 5.
COM9:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 9.
COM11:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 11.
COM21:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 21.
COM22:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 22.
COM23:Bluetooth Enable or disable COM Port 23.