Glossary - 3
Codabar. A discrete self-checking code with a character set consisting of dig its 0 to 9 and six additional characters: (“-”, “$”,
“:”, “/”, “,” and “+”).
Code 128. A high density symbology which allows the controller to encod e all 128 ASCII characters without adding extra
symbol elements.
Code 3 of 9 (Code 39). A versatile and widely used alphanumeric bar code symbology with a set o f 43 character types,
including all uppercase letters, numerals from 0 to 9 and 7 special character s (“-”, “.”, “/”, “+”, “%”, “$” and space). The
code name is derived from the fact that 3 of 9 elements representing a charac ter are wide, while the remaining 6 are
Code 93. An industrial symbology compatible with Code 39 but offering a full ch aracter ASCII set and a higher coding
density than Code 39.
Code Length. Number of data characters in a bar code between the start and stop characters, not including those
Cold Boot. A cold boot restarts the mobile computer and erases all user stored reco rds and entries.
COM port. Communication port; ports are identified by number, e.g., COM1, COM2.
Continuous Code. A bar code or symbol in which all spaces within the symbol are parts of charac ters. There are no
intercharacter gaps in a continuous code. The absence of gaps allows for greater information density.
Cradle. A cradle is used for charging the terminal battery and for communicating with a host computer, and provides a
storage place for the terminal when not in use.
DData Communications Equipment (DCE). A device (such as a modem) which is designed to attach directly to a DTE (Data
Terminal Equipment) device.
DCE. See Data Communications Equipment.
DCP. See Device Configuration Package.
Dead Zone. An area within a scanner's field of view, in which specular reflection may preven t a successful decode.
Decode. To recognize a bar code symbology (e.g., UPC/EAN) and then analyze the c ontent of the specific bar code
Decode Algorithm. A decoding scheme that converts pulse widths into data representation of the letters or numbers
encoded within a bar code symbol.
Decryption. Decryption is the decoding and unscrambling of received encrypted data. A lso see, Encryption and Key.
Depth of Field. The range between minimum and maximum distances at which a scanner can read a symbo l with a certain
minimum element width.