2 - 12 MC75 User Guide

The Battery icon always appears in the navigation bar when the Today screen is visible. The icon indicates the
battery power level. The message displays until the Dismiss button is pressed.
Figure 2-4
Battery Icon on the Title Bar
Also view the battery status using the Power window.
Battery Reserve Options
If the charge of the battery reaches a critical threshold, the MC75 shuts down. T his threshold can be changed but
affects the amount of time that data can be retained.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Power icon > RunTime tab. A wa rning message appears.
Figure 2-5
Warning Message
2. Read the warning message and tap ok.
Figure 2-6
RunTime Tab
3. Select one of the Battery Reserve Options.
Option 1: Minimum - After a low battery shutdown, data will be retained for minimum amount of time.
Battery should be replaced immediately to avoid data loss.
Option 2: Less - After a low battery shutdown, data will be retained for less than normal amount of time.