Recording Your Greeting
If you assign different mailboxes to different people, be sure to tell callers in your announcement to press star plus the number (e.g., *1, *2, or *3) to leave their message in the appropriate mailbox.
For example, "Thank you for calling. To leave a message for Karen, press *1 now; to leave a message for Chad, press *2 now; to leave a message for Sires, press *3 now; or, just wait for the beep."
Remember to leave a few seconds at the end of your greeting to allow callers enough time to select a mailbox. The caller must select a mailbox before the message ends or their message is automatically left in mailbox 1.
1.Make sure your answering machine is on and that the announce only feature is off.
2.Repeatedly press MENU until the A1 appears in the display and the system announces “announcement one.”
3.Press MEMO/RECORD. The system announces “now recording,” followed by a beep. Speak toward the base unit to record your announcement. The display shows recording time from 0 to 59 seconds.
4.Press the STOP button to end recording. The system plays back your recorded message.
NOTE: If your announcement is less than three seconds, the system announces
“Message was not recorded. Please record longer message again.”
MD7260 User Guide